Annan Online

Annan Online Community Website

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We are always looking for new content for this site, and would appreciate any of your memories of the town of Annan, this site needs you to share your knowledge, views and oppinions? Anything to do with life in Annan in Dumfries, past or present. Typical examples include:

  • New and old photos of Annan
  • Memories of life in Annan past and Present
  • Events in and around Annan

You can also advertise your unwanted items on our Classified section.  

In order to contribute to the site you need to register an account, which you can then use to login every time you wish to add an article or post to the forum etc, the login box is on the left hand side just under the main menu of the Home Page.

Terms and conditions

  • Text submitted to the site may be sub-edited for the sake of clarity or readability.
  •  Images submitted to the site may be edited cropped or amended to fit with the sites structure.
  •  Annan Online is under no obligation to publish any text or photos submitted to the site.
  •  Annan Online may reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, unsuitable material or for any other legal reasons.

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